
So this is what I made today! It is a word cloud from a year of NASA press releases from Kennedy Space Center in the 1960’s.  Voyant is pretty easy to use, but I wonder how much it can be used to tell the story you want to tell, because one can simply delete and delete words until it looks interesting.  I used Adobe Acrobat to make my pdf’s more readable, then created text files and uploaded them to Voyant.  I think this might be a good tool to use when dealing with a massive corpus of original sources, which NASA definitely has.  I am excited and curious about the possibilities this kind of tool represents in my research for space history.  There is so much information available in the public domain, and this could really help me narrow down my topics, as far as primary sources are concerned.

For next week

OK, I don’t want you all to go too far down the rabbit hole without seeing how programming would work for digital history, so as I mentioned in class yesterday, let’s hold off on the rest of the Codecademy lessons and jump into some digital history applications.

For next week,

Look around at the Old Bailey Online website, get a sense for what kind of historical information is stored there, and think about what kinds of historical questions you might be able to answer with the archive.

Then read through the Programming Historian, but don’t get too caught up in the code. Take a look at it, see if you understand any of it, and then move on. Focus more on the plain English instructions and the explanations of how this could be used for history.

On next Monday, I’ll step you through “Downloading Web Pages with Python” and “From HTML to List of Words” using your accounts at Wakari.io


Okay, this Python programming is now wayyyy over my head. I don’t want to get behind, but I can’t do this without personal instruction. This self-teaching thing isn’t really working for me at this level.  Totally stuck and frustrated.  Feel sad.

Week 9

I enjoyed reading these brief articles, they raise interesting points and call to attention important issues in this field.

First, the natural debate between the “I code, you code, we code…Why Code?” and the “Learn to Code; Learn Code Culture” articles. The idea that coding is a skill that must be learned for the legitimacy of the work has apparently inspired some debate. Personally, I believe that the Luddite view, to use the author’s words, that not knowing everything about coding is ok, is the minimum involvement necessary. For a digital humanist, at the very least, one needs to understand the concept, and at least enough of the technical aspect to facilitate being properly informed about new practices and developments in the field. And, not that everyone always has to learn everything there will ever be to know, but I also believe that learning as much of the technical skill and culture as possible can only be beneficial. The technical part of digital projects could only be limited, their effectiveness stunted by limited understanding. Collaboration is and will remain to be an important aspect of the digital humanities, but expanding the knowledge and skill base of each individual can only help the field, not hurt it.

Now, concerning the “Some things to think about before you exhort everyone to code” article, this proves exactly why learning the culture of coding is important. Based on my very limited involvement with CIS people, I had no reason to believe that there was such a large gender gap in the world of coding. In conversations and discussions since reading this article, I’ve learned that my experience is atypical. As strange as it sounds, I wouldn’t have known that, it was necessary to avoid sticking solely to the technical readings so that I may understand the world those technical skills are used in. And, it presents a possible future study: women’s digital history, an examination of the gender gap in the world of coding in general or the digital humanities specifically.

My Project

For my project, I’d like to use what we learned in the XML and CSS course to build a site with a table for organizing court cases related to censorship and obscenity trials. I figure information can be organized and sorted by plaintiff, defendant, date or year, whether the decision was a state or federal one (or foreign one, in one case), and whether the case was overturned by a later case. I would like to include links to brief summaries of the case histories (this is a history project after all). To give an idea of how many cases I’m thinking of using, the following have been among the most notable in previous research. They are presented in chronological order. Thoughts?

Regina v. Hicklin (1868) (English case)

Dunlop v. US (1897)

Mutual Film Corporation v. Industrial Commission of Ohio (1915)

Winters v. New York (1948)

United States v. Paramount Pictures, Inc. (1948)

Joseph Burstyn, Inc. v. Wilson (1952)

Gelling v. Texas (1952)

Alberts v. California (1957)

Roth v. US (1957)

Jacobellis v. Ohio (1964)

Freedman v. Maryland (1965)

Ginzburg v. US (1966)

Ginsber v. State of NY (1968)

Miller v. California (1973)

FCC v. Pacifica Foundation (1978)

Week 9 Readings

These readings constituted a  peek into coding culture as experienced by digital humanists.


It seems Ghajar’s main point is that historians are always going to want context in relation to their digital projects. Just learning to code isn’t a destination in itself, but the historian who wants to be involved in the digital humanities will need to know the why of the tools, not just the how. Why should we be able to design a database, or write code for a project? What are the possibilities in collaboration with web developers, and why would we collaborate in the first place? Why does learning to code affect our methodologies, or become a new methodology to use?  I always say, if I understand why, it helps me understand how.


I think Wildner wants people to understand there is a culture which goes along with coding.  Coding is a language, there are ideals, and a lifestyle  just like any foreign culture.  It’s not just syntax, grammar and vocabulary.  There are also shortcuts and best practices that help digital humanists use their time productively if they are involved in coding, so it pays to understand the culture.  In our class discussion we agreed that it made sense for liberal arts people to be familiar with technology and digital culture, because everyone else must be familiar with humanities as a core part of education.  So, coding literacy would be one way to have liberal arts/humanists get familiar with digital technology and culture.  I think that is a great idea and would go a long way towards bringing together science and liberal arts, which we have blogged about before.


Posner addressed the issue of exhorting women to code.  She agreed that coding is a good skill to have, but she also talked about the reality of the coding culture which is made up of “middle-class white men” who have had greater access to technology, for far longer than women, in the first place. I don’t know what else to say about it, but gender struggles in technology fields are a problem throughout society.  Posner really wants that part of technology culture to change, to be more welcoming to diversity.  Of course I agree.

Scratch Tutorial Videos

As you practice with Codecademy and MIT’s Scratch, I thought these tutorial videos might come in handy. Remember, on Monday, we’ll be showing off our ridiculous Scratch program, and explaining why our cat is behaving the way she/he is based on the instructions we’ve given him/her.

If you join Scratch, you’ll be able to save your workspace to show it off on Monday.


Week Nine

Coding is a topic which I have mixed emotions about.  This set of articles explain the difficulty of coding as a historian and highlight the importance of embracing the “culture of coding” with a humanist stance in mind.  In terms of “learning code for the sake of coding, Cafferata suggests that “As decontextualized rote response mechanisms, they are retrograde pedagogical steps in an era when critical thinking ought to be a hallmark of educational effectiveness.”  This seems to be important not just to coding, but to understanding the role that we, as budding digital historians, should play in developing our profession.

I have been guilty of the attitude expressed by Widner; I have considered digital history, and coding in particular, a “necessary means to an end”, and this has left me feeling a dislike and even a philosophical push against the digital humanities.  We have been told we must code in order to save our profession.  What if we opened ourselves to using code to our own ends and not the pragmatic ends of the academy (that needs to increase their revenue and student body)?  What if we looked at it as fun and exploratory?


Wow this has been way easier than I thought it would be. The lessons have been pretty basic though, so we will see how it goes when they get more complicated. So far it has been fun to see how coding changes fonts, colors, backgrounds, alignment. It seems pretty logical. I like that.  Tables were fun!

My project

I would like to focus on Elizabeth I’s propaganda or at least her rhetorical style.  I would like to do this through text mining to see where there are similarities in topic and rhetoric and whether/how they change over the course of her reign.  I will be using her speeches from “Collected Works” to do this.

I am not sure how long this will take, but if that is not enough work I would like to then relate these patterns to established historiography.  Do the patterns make sense for the periods outlined by historians?  If there are deviations is that a consequence of the way in which the computer/I mined the text or is that a consequence of something historians have missed.

If I can accomplish both of these things perhaps I would be able to leave off with some interesting research questions as well as a greater grasp on digital methodology.