Tools I Might Use, One I Have Used

I have worked with Omeka.  I worked with it in the UNR Libraries, Special Collections Department for their collaborative work on the Reno Historical app, found here.

I am interested in SIMILE, a digital tool to make timelines that you can move around in. Here is an example.  I often wish I had a timeline to reference for my research because I am a visual learner. I like to look at the big picture, and even though a timeline seems linear, you can see simultaneous events with the SIMILE version.

I have spent a little time looking around the website of the University of North Georgia Press, and read their whitepaper about getting University presses to engage in digital publishing. You can find it here.  I wonder if we might be able to generate interest in digital publishing at our own University press?

About Christina Roberts

First year (2014/2015) Master's student in the History Department at the University of Nevada, Reno. Graduate Assistant. Working in fields of 20th Century Soviet & American Space History, Digital History/Humanities, History of Astronomy. Interested in theories of history, geology and planetary astronomy.