Google Ngram

I played around a little bit with Google Ngram viewer . I am not sure yet what I am supposed to deduce, but it was fun to look at the graphs. I am a little bit uncomfortable with not knowing what the sources are, besides just being as many books as Google has digitized from the years 1800 to 2000.  This illustrates to me that I don’t yet know how data can inform my research.  I also looked at the about page, and then went to a wikipedia article to try to understand what an N-gram even is.  So much I don’t know!

About Christina Roberts

First year (2014/2015) Master's student in the History Department at the University of Nevada, Reno. Graduate Assistant. Working in fields of 20th Century Soviet & American Space History, Digital History/Humanities, History of Astronomy. Interested in theories of history, geology and planetary astronomy.